Building a Real-Time Chat App with and React


In this blog post, we will show you how to build a real-time chat application using and React. is a JavaScript library that enables real-time, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. By combining these two technologies, we will be able to create a chat app that can handle multiple users and messages being sent in real-time. We will walk you through the process of setting up the server-side and client-side components, and show you how to use to send and receive messages in real-time.

Building a Real-Time Chat App with and React2023-04-04T07:52:27+00:00

Creating a Customized React DevTools Extension


"Creating a Customized React DevTools Extension" is a blog post that explains how to create a custom extension for the React DevTools. The DevTools is a powerful tool for inspecting and debugging React applications, and the devtools package provides a set of APIs for creating and interacting with the DevTools. The blog post provides examples of how to use these APIs to create a custom DevTools extension, including how to add new tabs and buttons to the DevTools and how to inject custom functionality into the DevTools itself. This can be a useful tool for experienced React developers looking to improve their workflow and streamline the development process.

Creating a Customized React DevTools Extension2023-04-04T07:52:30+00:00

Implementing Custom Hooks in React for Code Reuse


Custom hooks in React allow you to extract logic from your components and share it as a standalone function, improving code reuse and maintainability. In this blog post, we will look at how to create and use custom hooks in React and explore examples of using them to manage form inputs and fetching data from an API.

Implementing Custom Hooks in React for Code Reuse2022-12-29T16:49:13+00:00

Building a Custom React Router for a Client-Side App


In this blog post, we'll explore how to build a custom React router for a client-side application. We'll cover the basics of routing and the history API, as well as how to use the useParams and useLocation hooks to access route parameters and the current location in your components. We'll also discuss the benefits of building a custom router and how it can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your app.

Building a Custom React Router for a Client-Side App2022-12-29T15:28:56+00:00

Integrating APIs with a React App: A Beginner’s Guide


In this blog post, we will be discussing how to integrate APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) with a React app. APIs allow for communication between different software systems and can be a powerful tool for adding functionality to a React app. We will cover the basics of making API requests and handling responses, as well as some best practices for working with APIs in a React app. This guide is intended for beginner React developers who are looking to learn more about using APIs in their projects.

Integrating APIs with a React App: A Beginner’s Guide2022-12-29T15:11:40+00:00