
React hooks are a powerful tool for building reusable logic in your components. In this blog post, we will look at how to create custom hooks in React and how to use them to improve code reuse in your application.

What are Custom Hooks?

Custom hooks are functions that start with the word “use” and contain logic that can be reused across multiple components. They allow you to extract logic from your components and share it as a standalone function. This can help you avoid duplication and improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

Creating a Custom Hook:

To create a custom hook, you can define a function that starts with the word “use” and includes any logic you want to reuse. You can then import and use this hook in your components.

Here is an example of a custom hook that manages a form input:

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In this example, we are using the useState hook to manage the value of the input and a function to handle changes to the input. We are returning the value and the onChange handler as an object, which can be destructured and used in a component.

Using a Custom Hook:

To use a custom hook in a component, you can import it and call it like any other function. You can then destructure the return value and use it in your component.

Here is an example of how you can use the useInput hook in a component:

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In this example, we are calling the useInput hook and passing an empty string as the initial value. We are then destructuring the return value and spreading it onto the input element as props. This will set the value of the input to the value returned by the hook and attach the onChange handler to the input.

Creating a Custom Hook for Fetching Data:

Custom hooks can also be used to manage asynchronous logic, such as fetching data from an API. Here is an example of a custom hook that fetches data from an API and returns the data and a loading status:

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In this example, we are using the useEffect hook to perform the fetch when the URL changes. We are setting the data, loading status, and error state using the setData, setLoading, and setError functions, respectively. We are then returning an object containing these values, which can be destructured and used in a component.

Using a Custom Hook for Fetching Data:

To use the useFetch hook in a component, you can import it and call it with the URL of the API endpoint you want to fetch. You can then destructure the return value and use it to display the data, a loading indicator, or an error message.

Here is an example of how you can use the useFetch hook in a component:

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In this example, we are calling the useFetch hook with the URL of the API endpoint. We are then destructuring the return value and using it to display a loading indicator, an error message, or the data in a list.


Custom hooks are a powerful tool for building reusable logic in your React components. They allow you to extract logic from your components and share it as a standalone function, which can help you improve code reuse and maintainability. In this blog post, we have seen how to create and use custom hooks for managing form inputs and fetching data from an API. By using custom hooks, you can write cleaner, more reusable code and build better, more scalable applications.